The Tofino Travellers Guesthouse can offer a number of different work/stay opportunities:
Help around the house
Help out around the guesthouse with cleaning, washing, bedmaking, painting, decorating, learning how to run a guesthouse etc. Our preference is to have people who have already stayed here
Learn English
Why pay a school to help you learn English when you can stay here, work in the house, and learn so much faster. From day 1 you will be immersed in a social English situation all day and can expect results
Note: We can only take one student per country and the minimum stay is 3 months
Furthermore, Nick was educated at Royal Roads University in Career Development. He is an expert with over 15 years of experience in various employment models, from Azirn to Implicit Career Search. Depending on what your individual needs are - career discovery, assessment, how to attain/retain or carrer maintenance - he can help. Call or write to find out more.
If you are looking for work in Tofino, there are lots of available as employers hire all year long.